What a blast we had at Kameradschaftsabend last weekend! We started the night off right with a champagne toast and then some fireworks!

Next up was a delicious meal prepared by Chef Jeff and his team. And then the announcement of our Miss Concordia for 2023 - Stephanie Richtaritsch! CONGRATULATIONS Stephanie! We wish you all the best for the upcoming year - you will do a great job representing our club!

This also meant that we had to say goodbye to the previous Miss Concordia - Kim Kunkel (now Kim Dietrich) - thank you so much for all you have done over this extended period of time that you have given to the club.

For the rest of the night we got to dance the night away to the sounds of the Seven Castle band! It was a wonderful evening and we were so happy to see so many folks out at the club. What a wonderful night to share with our friends from our neighbouring German clubs too.

Fireworks seen from the balcony of the Concordia Club
Stephanie Richtaritsch - Miss Concordia 2023
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